nicholas tufillaro: papers



   Monitoring water quality in the Lower Kansas River using remote sensing (preprint),
River September 2024

   Linking optical data and nitrates in the Lower Mississippi River to enable satellite-based monitoring of nutrient reduction goals,
Ecohydrology January 2024

   A manifold learning perspective on surrogate modeling of nitrates in the Kansas river, IWA Water Practice & Technology, 19 (7)
 April 2024

   Decline in thermal habitat conditions for the endangered Delta Smelt as seen from Landsat Satellites (1985-2019)
Journal Environmental Science & Technology, December 2021

   Monitoring turbidity in San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using satellite remote sensing,
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2021

   Regularization destriping of remote sensing imagery, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics., 24, 367-378,

   SFE-O: An optical model of the San Francisco Estuary,
Proceedings of Ocean Optics XXII, 2016.

   Remote sensing of suspended particle matter and algal blooms in San Francisco Bay and Delta using Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2, Proceedings of Ocean Optics XXII, 2016.

   Optics of the offshore Columbia River plume from glider observations and satellite imagery, J. Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1002/2015JC011431, 2016.

   Correction: Ryan, J., et al. Application of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean to Phytoplankton Ecology Studies in Monterey Bay, CA, USA , Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/rs71013364, 2015.

   Application of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean to Phytoplankton Ecology Studies in Monterey Bay, CA, USA, Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/rs6021007, 2014.

   Sparsity based spectral super-resolution and applications to ocean water color, IGARSS 2014 Technical Abstract, 2014.

   Optics of the offshore Columbia River plume in spring-summer, Proceedings of Ocean Optics XXI, 2014.

   A framework for estimating potential fluid flow from digital imagery, Chaos 23 (3), 033134, 2013.

   Remotely sensing the complexity of rivers and estuaries, SPIE Newsroom article, 22 July 2013.

   Hyperspectral Imaging of Rivers and Estuaries, Proc. SPIE 8870, Imaging Spectrometry XVIII, 2013.

   The shape of ocean color, chapter in the book “From Laser Dynamics to Topology of Chaos,” R. Gilmore and C. Letellier eds., World Scientific, 2013.

   Evaluating VIIRS ocean color products for West Coast and Hawaiian waters, Proc. SPIE 8724, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring V, 2013.

   Using hyperspectral ocean color sensors for monitoring cyanobacterial blooms in lakes and reservoirs, unpublished, 2013.

   Automated ocean color products for the Southern California Bight, Proc. SPIE 8372, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IV, 2012.

   HICO Observations of Biological and Sediment-Transport Processes in Monterey Bay, California, Imaging and Applied Optics Technical Papers, OSA Technical Digest paper RM2E.4, 2012.

   Derivative spectroscopy with HICO, Imaging and Applied Optics Technical Papers, OSA Technical Digest, paper RTu2E.5, 2012.

   High resolution fiber optic temperature sensing: A new tool to study the 2-D structure of atmospheric surface layer flow, Boundary Layer Meteorol., DOI 10.1007/s10546-011-9672-7, 2011.

   Indicators of Plume Constituents from HICO, Proceedings of the Ocean Optics XX, 2010.

   Feasibility of soil moisture monitoring with heated fiber optics, Water Resources Research 46, W06201, 5 June 2010.

   Supplementary material to  "Taking the Temperature of Ecological Systems with Fiber Optics," EOS Trans. AGU, 89 (20) 187, 13 May 2008.

   Measuring stream dynamics with fiber optics, Agilent Measurement Journal, Issue 3, September 2007.


   Multislit optimized spectrometer: flight-like environment test results, Proc. SPIE 9222, Imaging Spectrometry XIX, 2014.

   Behavioral model and simulator for the Multi-slit Optimized Spectrometer (MOS), Proc. SPIE 8870, Imaging Spectrometry XVIII, 2013.

   Multislit optimized spectrometer: fabrication and assembly update, Proc. SPIE 8870, Imaging Spectrometry XVIII, 2013.

   Multi-Slit Optimized Spectrometer: An Innovative Design for Geostationary Hyperspectral Imaging, Imaging and Applied Optics Technical Papers, OSA Technical Digest, paper RM3E.5, 2012.

   Multislit optimized spectrometer for ocean color remote sensing, Proc. SPIE 8510, Earth Observing Systems XVII, 2012.

   HICO On-Orbit Performance and Future Directions, Imaging and Applied Optics Technical Papers, OSA Technical Digest, paper RM3E.2, 2012.

   Multi-Slit Offner Spectrometer Development to Support GEO-CAPE Event Imager Science, Internet Citation 2011.


   Discrete dynamical models showing pattern formation in subaqueous bed-forms, International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos 3 (3), 779-784, 1993.

   Worlds within worlds -- an introduction to cellular automata, The Physics Teacher, February, 88, 1990.

   Cellular automata program, in Who Got Einstein's Office? by Ed Regis, Addison Wesley, New York, 1987.


   Order-disorder transition in capillary ripples, Physical Review Letters 62 (4), 422, 1989.

   Notes on defect driven chaos in capillary ripples, (unpublished) 1988.

   Some movies from 'back in the day.' (click on cap_N.mp4 to see a movie)


   Symbolic dynamics in mathematics, physics, and engineering, HPL-1999-28, 1999.

   Topological time series analysis of a string experiment and its synchronized model, Physical Review E 51 (1), 164-174 1995.

   Braid analysis of a bouncing ball, Physical Review E 50 (6), 4509-4522, 1994.

   Topological organization of (low-dimensional) chaos, in NATO-ASI proceedings, From statistical physics to statistical inference and back, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

   Braid analysis of (low dimensional) chaos, (unpublished) 1993.

   Template analysis for a chaotic NMR-laser, Physical Review A 44 (8), R4786, 1991.

   Templates and framed braids, Physical Review A 44 (6), R3416, 1991.

   Classification of strange attractors by integers, Physical Review Letters 64 (20), 2350, 1990.

   Relative rotation rates: fingerprints for strange attractors, Physical Review A vol. 41 (10), pages 5717-5720, 15 May 1990.


   Model-based test for analog integrated circuits, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, 1-3 May 2007.

   A Behavioral Modeling Approach to Nonlinear Model-Order Reduction for RF/Microwave ICs and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 52, No. 9, 2274-2284, September 2004,.

   New Techniques for Non-linear Behavioral Modeling Modeling of Microwave/RFIC's from Simulation and and Nonlinear Microwave Measurements, Proceedings of the 40th Design Automation Conference, DAC 2003, Anaheim, CA, USA, June 2003.

   Systematic Behavioral Modeling of Nonlinear Microwave/RF Circuits in the Time Domain Using Techniques from Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Workshop on Behavioral Modeling and Simulation, Santa Rosa, California, October 2002.

   Construction of behavioral models for microwave devices from time-domain large-signal to speed-up high-level design simulations, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided engineering 13 (1): 54-61, Jan 2003.

   Radial basis models for feedback systems with fading memory, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 48 no. 9 pages 1147-1151, September 2001.

   Calibration of Hubble Space Telescope Focal-Length Variations Using the Embedding Technique, 2001 Flight Mechanics Symposium (NASA), Edited by John P. Lynch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, June 19-21 2001.

   Automatically controlled coverage of the voltage plane of quasi-unilateral devices, Proc. Automatic RF Techniques Group Conference (ARFTC), USA pp. 86-90, 24-25 May 2001.

   The construction and evaluation of behavioral models for microwave devices based on time-domain large-signal measurements, 2000 IEDM Technical Program (International Electron Devices Meeting), San Francisco, CA, 13 December 2000.

   Development of time-domain behavioral models for microwave devices and ICs from vectorial large-signal measurements and simulations, GAAS 2000, Paris, France. 30th European Microwave Conference, GAAS Wireless Technologies 2000. Proc. European GaAs and related III-V compounds applications symposium, 1-6 October 2000.

   Behavioral models of microwave circuits with fading memory, 56th ARFTG Conference Procedings Boulder, Colorado, 30 November 2000.

   Measurement driven models of nonlinear electronic components, 55th ARFTG Conference Digest, Boston, MA, 15-16 June 2000.

   Phase-space reconstruction and approximating relative degree from input-output time series data,  HPL-1999-75, 1999.

   Reconstructing the Dynamics of FET Oscillators Using Radial Basis Functions,  HPL-1999-74, 1999.

   Nonlinear Modeling of a Bi-Polar Junction Transistor,  HPL-1999-73, 1999.

   Phase Space Reconstruction using Input-Output Time Series Data,  Physical Review E. 60 (4), 4008-4013, October 1999.

   Constructing transportable behavioral models for nonlinear electronic devices, Physics Letts. A. (255) 4-6, 1999.

   A dynamical systems approach to behavioral modeling, HPL-1999-22, 1999.


   A chaotic lock-in amplifier, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 76 (3), pages 213-217.  Supplementary material at: EPAPS Document No. E-AJPIAS-76-017803, March 2008.

   The effects of additive noise and drift in the dynamics of the driving on chaotic synchronization, Physics Letters 162A, 201-205, 1994.

   Synchronization of chaotic systems: the effects of additive noise and drift in the dynamics and driving, Physical Review E 50 (6), 4488-4508, 1994.


   Generating a fractal using a capacitor, American Journal of Physics, page 721, June 2001.


   Evaluation of Laminar Mixing in Stirred Tanks Using a Discrete Time Particle Mapping Procedure, Chemical Engineering Science 55, 2000.


   An experimental investigation into the dynamics of a string, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 72 No 9, 2004.

   Topological time series analysis of a string experiment and its synchronized model, Physical Review E 51 (1), 1995.

   Torus doubling and chaotic string vibrations: experimental results, The Journal of Sound and Vibration 137 (2), 327, 1990.

   Torsional parametric oscillations in wires, European Journal of Physics 11, 122, 1990.

   Nonlinear and chaotic string vibrations, American Journal of Physics 57 (5), 408, 1989.


   Braid analysis of a bouncing ball, Physical Review E 50 (6), 4509-4522, 1994.
   (n.b. A mathematically rigorous prunning front construction was eventually provided by Walter Huaraca amd Valentin Mendoza, Minimal topological chaos coexisting with a finite set of homoclinic and periodic orbits. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 315, pp.83-89, 2016.)

   Comment on "Bouncing ball with finite restitution: Cluttering, locking and chaos," (unpublished) 1994.
   (n.b. The issue discussed was eventually resolved by Tristan Gilet, Nicolas Vandewalle and Stephane Dorbolo, Completely inelastic ball, Phys. Rev. E 79, 055201 (R), 2009; and by Sebastian Vogel and Stephan Linz, Regular and chaotic dynamics in the bouncing ball, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 21 (3), 2011)

   Suppression of period doubling in the dynamics of a bouncing ball, Physica 26D, 321, 1987.

   Strange attractors of a bouncing ball, American Journal of Physics 55 (4), 316, 1987.

   Period doubling boundaries of a bouncing ball, Journal de Physique 47, 1477, 1986.

   Chaotic dynamics of a bouncing ball, American Journal of Physics 54 (10), 939, 1986.


   Periodic orbits of the integrable swinging Atwood's machine, American Journal of Physics 63 (2), 121-126, 1995.

   Teardrop and heart orbits of a swinging Atwood’s machine, The American Journal of Physics 62 (3), 231-233, 1994.

   Swinging Atwood's machine: integrability and dynamics, Journal de Physique 51, 1693, 1990.

   Infinity manifold of a swinging Atwood's machine, European Journal of Physics 10 (10), 173, 1989.

   Unbounded orbits of a swinging Atwood's machine, American Journal of Physics 56 (12), 1117, 1988.

   Integrable motion of a swinging Atwood's machine, American Journal of Physics 54 (2), 142, 1986.

   Motions of a swinging Atwood's machine, Journal de Physique 46, 1495, 1985.
   (n.b. It turns out '3' is the only integrable case, see Regina Martinez and Carles Simó, "Non-integrability of the degenerate cases of the swinging Atwood’s machine using higher order variational equations," Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 29.1: 1-24, 2011)

   Collision orbits of a swinging Atwood's machine, Journal de Physique 46, 2053, 1985.

   Swinging Atwood's Machine, American Journal of Physics 52 (10), 895, 1984.

   Smiles and Teardrops, Senior Thesis, Reed College Physics, 1982.


Build Your Own Internet Radio, Linux Journal, April 2019.


   Book Review: The Topology of Chaos by Gilmore and Lefranc, The American Journal of Physics, Vol. 71 (5), May 2003.

   Nonlinear Dynamics Resource Letter I, The American Journal of Physics, September 1997.

   Introduction to measures of complexity and chaos, in NATO ASI Series B: Proceedings of the international workshop on Quantitative Measures of Dynamical Complexity in Nonlinear Systems, Bryn Mawr, PA, USA June 22-24, 1989.

   Definitions of chaos and measuring its characteristics, in SPIE Proceedings on Optical Chaos, 667, 2, 1986.


   Guest comment: A generation lost?, American Journal of Physics, September, 1994.


   Report for Dedicated JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise: Hawaii in March 2022, OSU Section on pages 40-48, 2024.

   Correlation of Remote Sensing Water Quality Maps with an in situ Sensor Network, DOE Report, OSTI ID: 1862416, DOI 10.2172/1862416, 2022.

   Report for Dedicated JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise: Gulf of Mexico 2021, authored OSU Section on pages 29-39, 2022.

   NASA Report: Processing MOS-P and GeoTASO for Ocean Color Products from NASA KORUS-OC, 2020.

   Report for Dedicated JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise, December 2018, authored OSU Section on pages 70-80, 2019.

   Report for Dedicated JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise, December 2016, authored OSU Section on pages 44-48, 2017.

   Report for Dedicated JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise, December 2015, authored OSU Section on pages 37-44, 2016.

   OSU protocols for measuring measuring Remote Sensing Reflectance with a Spectral Evolution field spectrometer, 2015. OSU Satlantic HyperPro Deployment (and check sheet profiling, floating) and Processing Protocols, 2016.

   Ode -- A program for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Bell Laboratories Technical Memorandum 83-52321-39, 1983.

   Photoluminescence characterization of channeled substrate laser wafers, Bell Laboratories Technical Memorandum 83-52321-40, 1983.


   Chaos Experiment Quadratic Map Lab Manual, (unpublished) 28 September 1986.

   Chaos Experiment Bouncing Ball Lab Manual , (unpublished) 25 September 1986.