nicholas tufillaro grants (PI or Co-I):
Support of JPSS Data
Products and Algorithms,
NOAA 2021-22, $55K.
Correlation of remote sensing water quality maps with and in situ sensor network,
DOE 2020-21, $199K.
Support of JPSS Data
Products and Algorithms,
NOAA 2020-21, $55K.
Support of JPSS Data
Products and Algorithms,
NOAA 2018-19, $77K.
Simultaneous retrieval and calibration
validation of ocean products using GeoTASO and MOS-P,
NASA 2018-19, $91K.
Maximizing utility of remote sensing data for
water quality monitoring and resources management in California's
Water Systems - Field Work and Remote Sensing Products,
JPL-MWD 2017-20, $304K.
Support of JPSS Data Products and Algorithms,
NOAA 2017-18, $67K.
Analysis of GEO-TASO data for the measurement
of ocean properties during KORUS,
NASA 2017-18, $81K.
Analysis of MOS-P data for the measurement of
ocean properties during KORUS,
NASA 2017-18, $82K.
Support for JPSS Data Products & Algorithms
NOAA 2016-17, $121K.
Validation of VIIRS ocean color products for
West Coast and Hawaiian Water (co-I),
NOAA 2015-16, $55K.
Impacts of population growth on the San
Francisco Bay and delta ecosystem (co-I),
NASA 2014-17, $1,960K.
Remote multi-attribute spatiotemporal dynamical
systems analysis (co-I),
NGA 2014-16, $384K.
Support to JPSS Data Products & Algorithms:
Validation of VIIRS Ocean Color products for the coastal and open
ocean (co-I),
NOAA 2014-15, $130K.
Analysis of spatial, spectral, and temporal
scales of coastal biogeochemical product fields for the GEO-CAPE
NASA 2014-15, $55K.
Using GEO-TASO data for the measurement of
ocean properties,
NASA 2014, $61K.
Science support to Ball Aerospace for airborne
test flights for the MOS imager (co-I),
NASA 2014, $43K.
Science support for Multi-Slit Offner
Spectrometer IIP (co-I),
NASA 2012-14, $222K.
Assessing the dynamics of Korean and Chinese river
systems using high resolution satellite ocean color data (co-I),
ONR 2012-13, $137K.
Interpretation of satellite soil moisture
products with ultra-high resolution fiber optic and cosmic ray
ground-based measurements (co-I),
NASA 2012-13, $383K.
Analysis of GOCI data in preparation for
GEO-CAPE (co-I),
NASA 2011, $65K.
Input-Output modeling of nonlinear systems,
NSF 1997, $340K.
Improved techniques for modeling nonlinear
systems with few degrees of freedom: Topological procedures,
NSF 1995, $24K.